7 Best Ways to Personalize a Funeral or Memorial Service

Earlier, funerals used to be boilerplate, where the memorial services were like one-size-fits-all. In such ceremonies, the practices were more or less the same for all, no matter who the deceased soul was. 

However, today, families wish that the last rites of their loved ones should exude their life stories. People now want funerals to be more personalized for good reasons. And what else other than cremation urns for adults can render than personal touch?


As personalization of memorial services is becoming quite popular among the people of America, here we have come up with the 7 Best Ways to Personalize a Funeral or Memorial Service. So, let us check them out.

Mother of Pearl Anchor Adult Cremation Urn

  1. The involvement of friends and family

Death in a family is a personal loss. So, the personal involvement of friends and family members in planning the funeral service of a deceased loved one is one of the best ways to honor the departed soul. You can divide different tasks associated with a funeral among yourselves. 

For example, you can become a pallbearer and carry the casket to the funeral home and ask another one in your family to read a eulogy to pay homage to the deceased. Similarly, you can order Urns For Ashes to keep the cremated remains close to you. 

There are many online and brick-and-mortar shops, like Divinity Urns, that showcase some of the best products in the state.

  1. Floral showers and scattering the ashes

Flowers can express tons of feelings and are natural healers. So, you can incorporate floral sprays and make the funeral of your loved one more dedicated to them. You can choose from Urns For Sale and scatter the ashes of your beloved family member or a friend, followed by a floral shower. 

  1. Storytelling through profession-themed urns

Suppose the one you have lost lately was a military professional or a golf enthusiast. So, you can buy military urns or golf-themed urns, respectively, to showcase their profession and passions. 

  1. Respect the last wish of the deceased

Although you have cremated your loved one, you can always perform a formal and traditional burial. So, if the last wish of your family member was to be buried, you can look for burial urns. So, what you can do with a burial urn is - put the cremated remains in it and bury it with honor and respect.

  1. Cremation jewelry for all your family members and special friends

Apart from buying full-sized cremation urns, you can also order cremation jewelry for ashes. Cremation jewelry comes in different forms, such as pendants, rings, and bracelets, to name a few, with reputed stores like Divinity Urns. Moreover, it allows all the members of a family to share the cremains and keep them close.

  1. Release eco-friendly lanterns

When a person dies, their soul leaves their body. It feels like liberation from the material world. So, you can release paper lanterns to mark the freedom of your loved one. Apart from releasing lanterns, you can also release doves and butterflies in the memory of the departed soul.

  1. Memorial gifts for the guests

You can present the funeral attendees with thoughtful memorial gifts that will remind them of the deceased, such as books, seeds, souvenirs, etc.

To conclude

These are some of the handpicked ideas to personalize the funeral of your loved one. At Divinity Urns, you will find a wide assortment of cremation urns for adults and jewelry at pocket-friendly prices.


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