Can I Be Planted As A Tree When I Die

Ardent nature lovers often think whether they can be planted as a tree or not, once they’re gone. The thought is obvious, and it shows the love one has for nature. If you too had the same question in mind, then you’re at the right place. Over the years, the constant advancement and research in the cremation industry have made it possible to grow plants from ashes. The biodegradable urns for ashes are used in the process of growing trees or plants over a period of time. If you haven’t seen such urns before, then check out the Divinity Urns collection.
Biodegradable Urn - Beige Flying Dove Biodegradable Sand Urn

Beige Flying Dove Biodegradable Sand Urn

More about Bio Urns:

Biodegradable cremation urns for adults, infants, and pets are eco-friendly urns that are made using 100% biodegradable materials. Coconut shells, cellulose, compacted peat, and other biodegradable materials are used to make such urns. Divided into two parts, viz., the top capsule, and the bottom cone to store the cremated remains, it is a great way to return back to Mother Nature. As these urns don’t have an expiration date, you can purchase them in advance without any worry. If you’re looking for other eco-friendly options, then you can consider wooden urns for pets and humans.

Wooden Urn - Solid Rosewood Cremation Urn with Engraved Cross

How does Bio Urns Function?

Some people find it hard to believe that they can be planted as a tree when they’re gone. Well, bio funeral urns for ashes can make it happen.  The top capsule part of the urn is designed in a unique way that promotes the germination and growth of any seed. You just need to transfer the ashes into the lower part of the urn and place the seed at the top capsule part. Once done, place the urn in fertile soil, and the tree will start growing over a period of time.

Why Choose Bio Urns to Grow as a Tree?

Commemoration is special, and it is the best time to cherish and honor the life lived by the beloved person. The concept of planting a memorial tree is not only philosophical, but it is also celebratory and life-affirming in nature. Family members, friends, and other close acquaintances can always visit the memorial tree to see how beautifully the remains of the departed soul have given rise to a healthy and beautiful tree. Seeing such a sight can also help them alleviate from their pain.

The best part of choosing bio urns is that you don’t have to shell a lot of money. Plus, you can also plant it in your backyard. If you want to plant it elsewhere, then make sure to take written permission from the concerned authorities. Using the cremated ashes to grow a tree is a noble activity and a great way to be remembered by generations to come. You just need to have the right urn. You can check out Divinity Urns, as it is offers scattering urns for ashes, bio urns, cremation box for burial, and various other urn options at reasonable prices.


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