How Long It Takes To Receive The Ashes After Cremation?

Caribbean Cremation Urn In Blue

While cremation continues to be one of the fastest-growing alternatives to burial, a lot of people still have many questions regarding the related aspects. How cremation is done and by when do family members receive the cremated remains are some of the questions that people have. If you too want the departed soul’s body to get cremated, and want to know by when you can receive the cremated remains from the crematorium, then you are at the right place. The precise time-frame depends on the state you’re living in, as different states have different governing laws regarding cremation. In cremation, you cannot buy cremation urns for adults and visit the crematorium at any time to collect the ashes, as there is a process in place that everyone needs to follow.

Cremation is a complex process, and it involves a lot of parties. Ideally, it takes anywhere between 4-15 days, excluding holidays, to complete the entire process. Depending on the state you’re living in, the time may vary. Let’s look at some state examples for better clarity.

Time Taken in the Different States
Mother of Pearl Soulful Tree on Blue

Before you start your search for urns for sale online, it is advised that you read all the state-relevant cremation regulations first. If you live in Florida, then the entire process may take anywhere between 10-15 business days. Both weekends and holidays are excluded in this time range. According to the cremation laws in Florida, doctors have approximately 3 days (72 hours) to sign and return the death certificate. Once the certificate is received, it is notified to the medical examiner that again takes 2 days (48 hours) to approve cremation. After the approval has been received, the cremation can be completed within the next 3 days. If you add weekends to these numbers, then it roughly comes to 10+ days. So it is pretty safe to assume that it takes nearly 10-15 days to receive the ashes after cremation in Florida.

Process Involved & Time Taken

American Flag Military Urn
In continuation of the above point, it can be said that a lot of steps are involved in getting approval for cremation and getting it done on time. Usually, a family gets enough time to find the right urns for ashes because it takes approximately 10+days for the entire process. In California, for example, one needs to file the death certificate electronically, and in the meantime, the funeral homes assist the family members in getting the required authorization to cremate. The Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare is involved in the process and is time-consuming. You can visit the respective state’s website to get detailed information on cremation laws. Once you are done, you can always visit Divinity Urns to buy a durable urn for collecting ashes.

Taking the example of one more state, North Carolina takes around 3-15 days to complete cremation. The precise number of days will depend on where you live in that state. You can always buy burial urns or cremation jewelry for ashes, in advance, to directly transfer the ashes from the temporary container on the final cremation day.

If you are looking for a perfect urn, then you can check out the latest collection at Divinity Urns, an online store that offers unique military urns and more at the best prices.


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